I think this might point you in the right direction:

,,,particularly this piece:

$this->Post->read(null, 1);
        'title' => 'New title',
        'published' => false

On Nov 20, 12:46 pm, Dave <davidcr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a quick question that bugs me each time I run into it in a project,
> and then I promptly forget about it.  It is an easy fix, but it is such
> common functionality that I feel there must be some way to do it within
> built in functions rather then a custom query.
> The issue is incrementing a table field without grabbing the previous value,
> using MySQL's default function `tablefield` = `tablefield` + 1 .
> example:
> $this->Item->query('UPDATE `items` SET `flags` = `flags`+1 WHERE
> `items`.`id` = ' . $id);
> I have tried pretty much every way I can think of with model->saveField to
> accomplish this through cake, but I can't get it to work.
> First I set the id with $this->Item->id = $id
> After that I have tried
> $this->Item->saveField('flags','+1');
> $this->Item->saveField('flags',' +1');
> $this->Item->saveField('flags', 'flags+1');
> $this->Item->saveField('flags', '`flags`+1');
> So... is there a way to do this with 1 query within cake? I like to have as
> few custom queries as possible within my application.
> Thanks for any tips,
> who knows, if it isn't built in maybe I will be able to make my first
> contribution to the Core!
> Dave


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