We are running quite growing social network in Poland for students at
CakePHP, now 70k users and 0.5M hits a day.

We have 3 app servers for it with CakePHP 1.2.5 installed on each.
Servers are Quad Core i7 920 + 8G RAM, so rather good machines.

DB on separate box + nginx frontend for static content on other box.

Load on each machine is now 5+, i see addons.mozilla using CakePHP
with far greater traffic than ours

Have they released info if they have made any significant changes to
the Cake core ? It is rather publicly known that Cake seems to be
rather poorly comparing to RoR or Django in performance.

Any good pieces of advice on how to optimize your app (the cake
itself, cause app is prettily good written, db also optimized) ?

Is upcoming 1.3 or 2.0 anyhow faster or less-cpu-using?



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