Couldn't you just create a method in your model which does this, using
Find()?  For example, FindStandard() or FindByType('STANDARD')?  I
believe that's Cake-y, and it keeps your controller lean and your
model fat :)


On Nov 24, 2:18 pm, villosil <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any "Cake-way" to fetch data from associations by a previous
> condition on the main Model? I'll explain myself:
> Let's say I have a Product Model, which has a hasMany association with
> an Image Model. The Product has a field called type which defines the
> type of the Product. For example, by the nature of the app, I know
> that only Products that are Product.type='STANDARD' can have images.
> But when i make a find('all) cake always try to fetch the Images for
> every Product.
> For performance, it would be better to define, before the find('all'),
> to only apply the association on Products which their type was
> Internally on a find('all') over an object A, if a hasMany association
> exists with a B Object, cake first gets the data of every A object,
> and then gets for every A object found, the associated B Objects. I
> mean that for what I'm looking for, that information would be there
> before trying to fetch the associated data.
> Has someone faced something similar?
> Thanks in advance.
> Vicent,

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