So I've been pulling my hair out over this and I'm hoping somebody can
lend some advice. I have a very basic auto-complete that I cannot get
to work correctly.

The problem I'm having is that I cannot get any results listed in the
div of my auto-complete, its always blank when I try to pull data from
another Model/Controller. If I provide a static HTML file as the data
(url) for the auto-complete field it works fine.

I've checked, double checked and triple checked that my controller is
properly outputting the data for the auto-complete function, and it
spits out a nicely formatted unordered list:

<li id="11">Chicken Brests</li>
<li id="21">Cinnamon Sticks</li>
<li id="46">Coffee Stirrers</li>
<li id="10">Corn Starch</li>

And like I said, if I put the exact same HTML in a static page and
reference it in my $ajax->autocomplete() call it will display just

I've also watched the query's happening with Firebug so I know the URL
is getting called correctly, and the POST content is getting sent

I'm truly at a loss as to what else to look at and I'm hoping somebody
can point me in the right directly or see something I missed.

----- Input Form -----

        <?php echo $form->create('Shoppinglist'); ?>
        <?php echo $ajax->autocomplete('Item.title', '/items/query'); ?>
        <?php echo $button->submit('Add Item','icons/
add.png','positive',true); ?>
        <?php echo $form->end(); ?>

----- Item list function -----

    function query($q = null) {
        // Debugging line, if not called with POST, shortcut a search for
        if(empty($this->data)) $this->data['Item']['title'] = 'c';

                $this->set('items', $this->Item->find('all', array(
                                        'conditions' => array(
                                                'Item.title LIKE' => 
                                        'order' => array('Item.title' => 'ASC'),
                                        'fields' => array('id','title')
                $this->layout = 'ajax';

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