Top of the model is :

class MenuItem extends AppModel
        var $name = 'MenuItem';

        var $actsAs = array('Tree', 'Containable');

the table :

CREATE TABLE `menu_items` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `parent_id` int(11) default NULL,
  `lft` int(11)  default NULL,
  `rght` int(11)  default NULL,
  `label` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `online` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `order` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Are you suggesting that I should add a belongTo to this model?
(belongsTo itself?)

On 3 déc, 01:02, Dave <> wrote:
> Also, these two suggestions were in the comments.  I didn't need the
> relationship from the first one but I am using the latest svn checkout, so
> perhaps he was posting that from an older version.  Also the second one
> might be useful as well.
>  The model needs a relation for me to work with this example.
> If I add the following to the model it works:
> <pre>
> var $belongsTo = array(
> 'Parent' =&gt; array(
> 'className' =&gt; 'Category',
> 'foreignKey' =&gt; 'parent_id',
> 'conditions' =&gt; '',
> 'fields' =&gt; '',
> 'order' =&gt; '',
> 'counterCache' =&gt; ''),
> );
> </pre>
> By etipaced on 30/9/08
> 2 <#comment_391> - bug/glitch/feature?
> I just spent a lot of time troubleshooting an odd issue. Make sure your id,
> lft and rght columns are set to just UNSIGNED and not UNSIGNED ZEROFILL. I
> like to use the ZEROFILL attribute on all my integer column types that store
> id values but the TreeBehavior fails without any warnings or errors if the
> integer column values are in the format of 00000001 instead of just 1.
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Dave <> wrote:
> > Can you paste your model?  Or at least the important parts at the top?
> > On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Martin Kirchgessner <
> >> wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >> I'm using TreeBehavior in a classic model, but its lft and rght fields
> >> are not set correctly.
> >> I tried these two save() in a controller  :
> >>                $this->MenuItem->create();
> >>                $this->MenuItem->save(array('MenuItem' => array(
> >>                        'url' => '/fre',
> >>                        'parent_id' => null,
> >>                        'label' => 'Home',
> >>                        'online' => 1
> >>                        )));
> >>                $parent_id = $this->MenuItem->id;
> >>                debug($this->MenuItem->verify());
> >>                $this->MenuItem->create();
> >>                $this->MenuItem->save(array('MenuItem' => array(
> >>                        'url' => '/fre/p/Choses',
> >>                        'parent_id' => $parent_id,
> >>                        'label' => 'Choses',
> >>                        'online' => 1
> >>                        )));
> >>                debug($this->MenuItem->verify());
> >>                debug($this->MenuItem->recover());
> >>                debug($this->MenuItem->verify());
> >>                die();
> >> I truncated the table menu_items, ran the test and discovered that the
> >> two last calls to verify() fail, even after recover().
> >> I followed the cookbook... but did I miss something?
> >> If it can helps :
> >> I'm running Cake
> >> I also tried to download the last TreeBehavior from cake's master
> >> branch, but it didn't change anything
> >> thanks!
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