This might not be the answer, but the first I do when I get a db
related issue is set debug to 2 and try again. Sometimes cleaning the
caches like this resolves it, other times not.

On Dec 10, 2:42 pm, WhyNotSmile <>
> I've come across a really strange problem - or else I'm doing
> something really stupid.
> Basically, there is a field in one of my db tables which Cake just
> seems to be ignoring.  The field is in a table called 'Users', and is
> called 'recommendations'.
> When I do
> $this->User->findById($userid);
> it works fine, gets the user and all the information, apart from that
> one field, which it reads in as null.  It is definitely populated in
> the database.  Also, when I try to save to it, it just ignores me -
> doesn't reset it or anything, and no error messages, it just doesn't
> seem to do anything.
> This is driving me crazy!
> Has anyone come across something similar?  Is there maybe a setting or
> something in the database?
> Thanks!

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