
I need to translate the error messages. I have this in my model:

var $validate = array(
       'username' => array(
           'between' => array(
              'rule' => array('between', 4, 10),
              'last' => true
           'unique' => array(
              'rule' => 'isUnique'

And this in my view:

echo $form->input('username', array('error' => array('between' => _
('Between 4 and 10.', true), 'unique' => _('Existing User', true)));

But do not show these error messages. Shown are the error messages by
default. But if I put only an error message then it is displayed.

echo $form->input('username', array('error' => _('Between 4 and 10.',

What may be happening. Is it a bug?. Does anyone have the same


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