Hi all !

I'm trying to reload an element inside a view, and having troubles...
I read the two following similar posts without finding a solution:

Also been browsing the library, the cookbook, ... So maybe I'm missing

So: I have a view, inside that view I have an element, and inside that
element i have a jquery ajax link to reload the element itself.

* Inside the element: *
echo $html->link(
            'onclick' => 'return false;',
            'id' => 'test'

* The jQuery on click call: *
$('#test').click( function () {
    $.post('/comments/test', {id: $(this).attr('id')});

* The test function in the controller: *
function test() {
    if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
        $this->viewPath = 'elements'.DS.'comments';

What am I missing here ?? I'm a noob, sorry if the question is
trivial ;)

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