Well since you can't join across connections, that kind of makes sense
doesn't it? In any case I highly doubt your issue is specific to 1.3,
or even 1.2 and has much more to do with attempting to set order
clauses on tables that are not part of your pagination query.  Check
your query to make sure all the required tables are in one query.


On Dec 22, 5:37 am, Ernesto <e.fanz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it looks like Paginator in 1.3 has a bug -> he's ignoring the models
> using different DB connection
> can anyone confirm this?
> On 21 Dic, 17:08, Ernesto <e.fanz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hello.
> > my webapp has 3 models:
> > Order, Item and Customer
> > Order belongsTo Item
> > Order belongsTo Customer
> > both OrderModel and ItemModel are in app's models dir.
> > CustomerModel is located in an external dir, defined in
> > bootstrap.php's app build
> > here's a piece of my OrdersController
> > class OrdersController extends AppController {
> >    [...]
> >    var $paginate = array(
> >       "limit" => 20,
> >       "contain" => array(
> >          "Item",
> >          "Customer"
> >       ),
> >       "order" => "Order.Code"
> >    )
> >    function index() {
> >       $this->set("orders", $this->paginate("Order"));
> >    }
> > }
> > and here's a piece of my Orders index
> > [...]
> > <th><?php echo $paginator->sort("Order code", "Order.code") ?></th>
> > <th><?php echo $paginator->sort("Customer", "Customer.name") ?></th>
> > [...]
> > if i click on "Order code" the page will work correctly and data will
> > be displayed sorted by Order.Code
> > if i click on "Customer" the page will return an error like "SQL
> > Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Customer.name' in 'order clause'"
> > i can't figure out the reason of this error...
> > CustomerModel and CustomersController are working ok. i can insert/
> > update/delete without errors.

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