Ok, I will give it a try :)

The first thing I observe is that the group statement does not include
all the non-grouped columns, which it should, like:
'group' => array(

Please try it out, enjoy,

On Dec 23, 8:01 am, Jeremy Burns <jeremybu...@me.com> wrote:
> I have progressed a little with this, but am still struggling. I seem
> to get hung up on the simplest of things with CakePHP, which is so
> frustrating. I am prepared to be humiliated with an equally simple
> answer to my problem.
> I have a table called location_types with acts as a tree (with a self
> join on id => parent_id). I have a $belongsTo table called locations,
> which is joined to location_types on locations.location_type_id.
> I want my location types index view to have a column that shows the
> number of locations within the location type for that row.
> Here is some sample code (that doesn't work):
>         $this->paginate['LocationType'] = array(
>                 'contain' => array(
>                         'ParentLocationType' => array(
>                                 'fields' => array(
>                                         'id',
>                                         'name'
>                                 )
>                         ),
>                         'Location' => array(
>                                 'fields' => array(
>                                         'id',
>                                         'location_type_id'
>                                 )
>                         )
>                 ),
>                 'fields' => array(
>                         'LocationType.id',
>                         'LocationType.name',
>                         'LocationType.parent_id',
>                         'ParentLocationType.id',
>                         'ParentLocationType.name',
>                         'COUNT(LocationType.id) AS countLocation'
>                 ),
>                 'group' => array(
>                         'LocationType.id'
>                 ),
>                 'order' => array ('LocationType.lft' => 'asc')
>         );
>         $locationTypes = $this->paginate('LocationType');
>         $this->set('locationTypes', $locationTypes);
> Although I am including the Location model in my contain statement it
> won't recognise COUNT(Location.id).  I notice that the SQL that Cake
> outputs does not include the locations table, which is clearly why
> COUNT(Location.id) is not recognised. I have experimented with various
> permutations by changing the group array and the field inside the COUNT
> () function, but I cannot get the result I am looking for.
> What am I doing wrong, please?
> On Dec 22, 11:04 am, Jeremy Burns <jeremybu...@me.com> wrote:
> > Jamal - I really appreciate your reply - thank you.
> > This approach might well work, but I am sure there must be a simpler
> > way. I want to make the database do as little work as possible. In
> > plain old SQL I can do this:
> > SELECT a.id, a.name
> > count(b.id) as subCount
> > from tablea a
> > left join tableb b
> > on (b.type_id = a.id)
> > group by (a.id)
> > ...which returns me all of the rows in tablea with an extra column
> > that shows me the count of rows in tableb that have the type_id in the
> > row. One query and bosh I have my results with the count.
> > How do I do this in Cake?
> > On Dec 22, 9:13 am, Jamal Aziz <jamalsaepula...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Jeremy,
> > > I think you can do that in your model with afterFind callback. For
> > > example:
> > > class MyModel extends AppModel{
> > >         var $actsAs = array('Tree');
> > >         function afterFind($results, $primary){
> > >                 // for multiple result
> > >                 if(is_array($results)){
> > >                         if(is_array($results[0])){
> > >                                 foreach($results as $key => $val){
> > >                                         
> > > $results[$key][$this->alias]['childCount'] = $this->childCount
> > > ($results[$key][$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]);
> > >                                 }
> > >                         } else { // for single result
> > >                                 $results[$this->alias]['childCount'] = 
> > > $this->childCount($results
> > > [$key][$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]);
> > >                         }
> > >                 }
> > >     }
> > > }
> > > Note: I am not test this code myself.
> > > Hope this help.

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