Here you go - this covers the basics. Using the component is actually
quite simple:

On Jan 5, 1:47 am, otisjs01 <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to CakePHP and trying desperately to learn!
> My most recent struggle is with the Email Component.
> I have a contract. When I create the contract, I add a user. When I
> save the new contract...for the first time, I want to send an email to
> the user in that contract that allows them to click on a link back to
> the contract, and then accept or reject the contract.
> How do I send this email?
> The more details I can get, answer-wise, the better. Everything I have
> read out there is surprisingly confusing. Do I need to configure smtp
> settings? How do I grab the user in the contract after it has been
> saved and pass it and the link to the contract on to the email? How do
> I know if the email has been sent, without going and checking my email
> every single time?
> Here is the code I have in my contracts_controller.php for the email
> sending function: (A Contract belongsTo a User, and a User hasMany
> Contracts.)
> function _sendContractEmail($id) {
>         $this->Email->smtpOptions = array(
>         'port'=>'465',
>         'timeout'=>'30',
>         'host'=>'ssl://',
>         'username'=>'username',
>         'password'=>'password'
>         );
>         $this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';
>         $User = $this->Contract->User->read(null,$id);
>         $this->Email->to = '';
>         $this->Email->subject = '';
>         $this->Email->replyTo = '';
>         $this->Email->from = 'Jeremiah Oits
> <>';
>         $this->Email->template = 'simple_message';
>         $this->Email->sendAs = 'html';
>         $this->set('User', $User);
>         $this->Email->_debug = true;
>         $this->Email->send('Test Email');
>         $this->redirect(array('controller'=>'contracts',
> 'action'=>'index'));
>     }
> Here is the code I have in my contracts_controller.php add() function:
> function add() {
>         if (!empty($this->data)) {
>             $this->Contract->create();
>             if ($this->Contract->save($this->data)) {
>                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Contract has been
> saved', true));
>                 $this->_sendContractEmail($this->Contract->User->id);
>             } else {
>                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Contract could not be
> saved. Please, try again.', true));
>             }
> And, this is at the top of my contracts_controller.php file after the
> $name and $helpers:
> var $components = array('Email');
> I guess I should point out that I was having trouble with the
> template, so to test it, I included the body of the email directly in
> the send(), and I specified the to email address rather than using a
> variable. Still...nothing! No error, no email.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated! I really have no idea what I am
> doing wrong!
> Thanks,
> Jeremiah

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