It has little to do with MVC, because You are referring to ORM. And
it's working different in cake.
You can call
$this->SomeModel->read(null, 1); // 1 is an id
Then You can read/write particular field this way:
$this->SomeModel->data["SomeModel"]["name"] = "new_name";

I don't this it works with getting more than one element (via

On 6 Sty, 05:29, frmdstryr <> wrote:
> When I was learning php classes we made a model object for each type
> of data we had. Each model would have crud from another class and then
> model specific functions & attributes. For example i would have:
> class Person extends Crud {
>     var $first_name;
>     var $last_name;
>  static  function getperson{
>      return Crud::get(people,$sql);
>     }
>    function full_name() {
>       return $this->first_name . ' '. $this->last_name;
>    }}
> class Crud {
> // crud
>    static  function get() { sql stuff; return mysql_rows}
>     static function delete() {sql stuff; }
>     }
> something like that, but anyways we would instantiate each item
> returned from the getallPeople() into a person object and then if i
> wanted to get the full name of the person i would just type:
> $person = Person::getperson(id);  //creates person object
> $person->full_name();                 // use object function
> this made it really easy because if i wanted to add something to the
> person all i had to do was change the Person object model.  I cant get
> this to work with cakephp models.  What do i need to do for this to
> work or do I not understand cakephp's models & MVC right?
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