Try passing the config as third param when writing and second when reading:

Cache::write('state_cache', $state_cache, 'long');

Cache::read('state_cache',  'long');



Pablo Viojo

¿Que necesitas?

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Dave <> wrote:

> This is my first attempt at caching a model find() and was hoping for a
> little info.
> Cache::write('state_cache', $state_cache);
> So I check server cache folder and see a file called cake_state_cache which
> contains:
> 1263079575
> {i:15;s:7:"Alabama";i:14;s:6:"Alaska";i:17;s:7:"Arizona";i:16;s:8:"Arkansas"
> ;i:18;s:10:"California";i:19;s:8:"Colorado";i:20;s:11:"Connecticut";i:22;s:8
> :"Delaware";i:21;s:20:"District of
> Columbia";i:23;s:7:"Florida";i:24;s:7:"Georgia";i:25;s:6:"Hawaii";i:27;s:5:"
> Idaho";i:28;s:8:"Illinois";i:29;s:7:"Indiana";i:26;s:4:"Iowa";i:30;s:6:"Kans
> as";i:31;s:8:"Kentucky";i:32;s:9:"Louisiana";i:35;s:5:"Maine";i:34;s:8:"Mary
> land";i:33;s:13:"Massachusetts";i:36;s:8:"Michigan";i:37;s:9:"Minnesota";i:3
> 9;s:11:"Mississippi";i:38;s:8:"Missouri";i:40;s:7:"Montana";i:43;s:8:"Nebras
> ka";i:47;s:6:"Nevada";i:44;s:13:"New Hampshire";i:45;s:10:"New
> Jersey";i:46;s:10:"New Mexico";i:48;s:8:"New York";i:41;s:14:"North
> Carolina";i:42;s:12:"North
> Dakota";i:49;s:4:"Ohio";i:50;s:8:"Oklahoma";i:51;s:6:"Oregon";i:52;s:12:"Pen
> nsylvania";i:53;s:12:"Rhode Island";i:54;s:14:"South
> Carolina";i:55;s:12:"South
> Dakota";i:56;s:9:"Tennessee";i:57;s:5:"Texas";i:58;s:4:"Utah";i:61;s:7:"Verm
> ont";i:60;s:14:"Virgin
> Islands";i:59;s:8:"Virginia";i:62;s:10:"Washington";i:64;s:13:"West
> Virginia";i:63;s:9:"Wisconsin";i:65;s:7:"Wyoming";i:1;s:7:"Alberta";i:2;s:16
> :"British Columbia";i:3;s:8:"Manitoba";i:4;s:13:"New
> Brunswick";i:5;s:25:"Newfoundland and Labrador";i:7;s:21:"Northwest
> Territories";i:6;s:11:"Nova
> Scotia";i:8;s:7:"Nunavut";i:9;s:7:"Ontario";i:10;s:20:"Prince Edward
> Island";i:11;s:6:"Quebec";i:12;s:13:"Saskatachewan";i:13;s:5:"Yukon";}
> Ok so that's good.
> In my config.php I coped straight from the cookbook:
> Cache::config('short', array(
>    'engine' => 'File',
>    'duration'=> '+1 hours',
>    'path' => CACHE,
>    'prefix' => 'cake_short_'
> ));
> // long
> Cache::config('long', array(
>    'engine' => 'File',
>    'duration'=> '+1 week',
>    'probability'=> 100,
>    'path' => CACHE . 'long' . DS,
> ));
> How do I determin where I save my state_cache? My guess is we wont see any
> new States or Provinces in out lifetime so I would like to cache that for a
> good amount of time..1 week for long right now is good enough just to get
> me
> going.
> I guess I am missing something in the Cache::write('state_cache',
> $state_cache); prefix? Path?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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