Your comments shed a brighter light for beginner cake developer like

In my country,Malaysia, doing things using a framework is very very
new. For example, out of 5 programmer, only 1 or 2 have  heard of Ruby
On Rails

The code is written in minimal way so others can extend it easily.

On how the plugin's app_controller loaded in main application
app_controller is something to look upon. Actually I was planning to
use requestAction() way.

On Jan 13, 9:05 pm, robustsolution <i...@robustsolution.net> wrote:
> thanks for sharing us your work.
> It was a very good start.
> some quick notes:
> 1)after signup user should receive an activation link to activate his
> account not to activate the account by default. in this case use
> should autologin
> 2)user should be able to login using the password with (either his
> username or his email)
> 3)user should not be able to change his username in edit mode, but he
> could change always his email address in edit mode, in this case his
> account will be deactivated(banned) until he verifies that he is the
> owner of the new email address
> 4)the resetpassword link should be used only for one reset password
> operation, for security reason. same for activation link
> 5)after successfully resetting the password, or activating the account
> user should autologin to the system
> 6) user life cycle: created,activated,banned then ,activated,banned,
> activated,banned, activated,banned,activated,banned, etc... so just
> three status is enough.
> 7)in case you have either user or admin account for the user record,
> is_admin is enough, otherwise a light or heavy weight permission
> system should be required
> 8)cookies should always be a user choice that developer could not
> ignore it
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