Hi All,

I hope someone can help me with what I think is a simple question that
I just haven't wrapped my head round yet. (I'm new to CakePHP).

I want to create a link that requests the index action of my blog
(which is paginated), but at the same time passes it a condition, like
category_id=2 or something like that, so that I can have a list of
categories to the right of my blog index that reloads the page with
just that categories blogs. This seems like a straightforward idea to
me, but I don't seem to be able to get the syntax right. I can do
limits and orders but not conditions. Can anyone help me please?

Some examples:

This works:
'action'=>'index', 'limit'=>2));

This doesn't work:
'action'=>'index', 'conditions'=>'Blog.category_id=3'));

My controller code:
function index() {
        $this->Blog->recursive = 0;
        $this->set('blogs', $this->paginate());

Thanks for any advice in advance!
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