
Id like to filter my videos by tags. The video must have all of the
tags, and I want to sort the result by count on the stats table.

I've got a working version without stats allthought this is not
working with paginate.

$searchTerms = array('Tag1','Tag2');
$numCount = count($searchTerms);
$contain = array('FilterTag','TagsVideo');
'FilterTag.id = TagsVideo.tag_id',
'FilterTag.name' => $searchTerms

$newest = $this->Video->find('all',array('contain' => $contain,
'order' => 'Video.created DESC',
'group' => array(
        'Video.title HAVING COUNT(FilterTag.name) = ' . $numCount
'limit' => $limit,
        'conditions' => array('Video.published' => 1)

Here is my custom query which is working. Is there a way to use
cakephp core functions to achieve this?

SELECT `Video`.*, `TagsVideo`.*, `FilterTag`.`id`, `FilterTag`.`name`,
Stat.hits FROM `mp_videos` AS `Video`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) as hits, mp_stats.video_id,
mp_stats.channel_id FROM mp_stats WHERE mp_stats.channel_id = ".
$channelid." GROUP BY mp_stats.video_id ) as Stat ON Stat.video_id =
INNER JOIN `mp_tags_videos` AS `TagsVideo` ON (`TagsVideo`.`video_id`
= `Video`.`id`)
INNER JOIN `mp_tags` AS `FilterTag` ON (`FilterTag`.`id` =
`TagsVideo`.`tag_id` AND `FilterTag`.`name` IN (" . $tags ."))
WHERE Video.published = 1 GROUP BY Video.id, Video.title HAVING COUNT
(*) = ".$numCount." ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . $limit;

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