touch behavior:

On Jan 15, 4:20 am, Alfred Pakenham <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure I have seen this somewhere, but can't remember where. How do I save
> a field and make sure that modified is not changed?
> For example I have a view column in my posts table, in my view action I do
> this after finding the post:
> $views = $post['Post']['views'] + 1;
> $this->Post->id = $post['Post']['id'];
> $this->Post->saveField('views', $views);
> Now, I understand that modifying a record and not wanting to affect modified
> field may sound odd, but there are rare cases when you want to do that,
> yet many more when you want standard behavior. The only solution I have
> found so far is to directly use query, which understandably I would like to
> avoid.
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