
In the book sections 
http://book.cakephp.org/view/78/Associations-Linking-Models-Together hasOne #hasOne-80 belongsTo #belongsTo-81 hasMany #hasMany-82 hasAndBelongsToMany (HABTM) <same link>#hasAndBelongsToMany-

I read: Possible keys for [hasOne|belongsTo|hasMany|HABTM] association
arrays include: ...
foreignKey: the name of the foreign key found in the [other|current]
model. This is especially handy if you need to define multiple [hasOne|
belongsTo|hasMany|HABTM] relationships.

And section Multiple relations to the same model describes
cases where a Model has more then one relation to another Model.
However, I cannot seem to make this work.

What I'm trying to acheive is have the clon.name displayed in a select
box rather than the mated.motherID (or fatherID) displayed in a text
box when adding or editing a record in the mated table. And have the
form save the proper motherID (or fatherID) back to the mated table.
What I have below works for displaying the name in the index and
single record views but not in the add or edit form views. I.E.,
[motherID] => 3 displays 05-0000295 and [fatherID] => 7 displays
05-0000931 ONLY in index or view views and [pop_id] => 3 displays
WP-0000979 everywhere.

The specific details for my attempt to model this follow. Suggestions?

Thanx, DaveT.
// start backgound block
My pedigree (tree breeding) situation is slightly unusual in that the
scenario is based on the following recursive sequence:
A clone (individual tree) is selected from a population (of seeds
grown to seedlings).
A clone is mated with another clone to produce a new population (of

... with the following qualifiers:
A clone may be mated with itself or a different clone.
A clone may be both a mother and a father parent at the same or
subsequent instances.
A mating of clones DOES NOT produce a new clone, it produces a new
generation (population) of seeds.
// end backgound block

// start data block
        id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        orig_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        donor_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        sourceID varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
        `date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
        `name` char(10) NOT NULL,
        spp varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        method set('','graft','root','se') DEFAULT NULL,
        `type` set('','pollen','seedling','cutting','tissue') DEFAULT NULL,
        num_created int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
        num_avail int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
        br_tested set('unknown','no','yes') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown',
        br_resist set('unknown','no','yes') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown',
        com text,
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        KEY fk_orig (orig_id),
        KEY fk_donor (donor_id)

INSERT INTO clons (id, orig_id, donor_id, sourceID, date, name, spp,
method, type, num_created, num_avail, br_tested, br_resist, com)
        (1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '00-0000001', 'wind', NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'marker'),
        (2, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '00-0000002', 'P griffithi',
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'marker'),
        (3, 334, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0000295', 'P strobus x P
griffithi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', NULL),
        (4, 327, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0000326', 'P griffithi', NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', NULL),
        (5, 214, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0000339', 'P griffithi x P
parviflora', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', NULL),
        (6, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0000927', 'P griffithi x P
strobus', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', NULL),
        (7, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0000931', 'P griffithi x
wind', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown', 'spp originally P
griffithi x P strobus'),
        (8, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0001743', '(P griffithi x P
strobus) x (P griffithi x P strobus)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
'unknown', 'unknown', NULL),
        (9, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0001752', 'P griffithi x (P
griffithi x P parviflora)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown',
'unknown', NULL),
        (10, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0001766', '(P strobus x P
griffithi) x (P griffithi x wind)', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown',
'unknown', NULL),
        (11, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2004-00-00', '05-0218401', '((P griffithi x
wind) x (P griffithi x wind)) x wind', NULL, 'cutting', NULL, NULL,
'unknown', 'unknown', 'originally: parent=run 2 rep 21 tree 2'),
        (12, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0000-00-00', '05-0219014', '(P strobus x P
griffithi) x wind', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'unknown', 'unknown',

        id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        orig_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        donor_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
        `name` char(10) NOT NULL,
        sourceID varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
        spp varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        num_created int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
        num_avail int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
        com text,
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        KEY fk_orig (orig_id),
        KEY fk_donor (donor_id)

INSERT INTO pops (id, orig_id, donor_id, date, name, sourceID, spp,
num_created, num_avail, com) VALUES
        (1, 334, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0000139', NULL, 'P griffithi', NULL,
        (2, 149, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0000799', NULL, 'P griffithi x (P
griffithi x P parviflora)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
        (3, 149, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0000979', NULL, '(P strobus x P
griffithi) x (P griffithi x wind)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
        (4, 149, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0001000', NULL, '(P griffithi x P
strobus) x (P griffithi x wind)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
        (5, 145, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0002184', NULL, '((P griffithi x P
strobus) x (P griffithi x P strobus)) x wind', NULL, NULL, NULL),
        (6, 146, NULL, '0000-00-00', 'WP-0002190', NULL, '((P strobus x P
griffithi) x (P griffithi x wind)) x wind', NULL, NULL, NULL);

        id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        motherID int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        fatherID int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        pop_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        KEY fk_mother (motherID),
        KEY fk_father (fatherID),
        KEY fk_pop (pop_id)

INSERT INTO mated (id, motherID, fatherID, pop_id, date) VALUES
        (1, 2, NULL, 1, '0000-00-00'),
        (2, 4, 5, 2, '0000-00-00'),
        (3, 3, 7, 3, '0000-00-00'),
        (4, 6, 7, 4, '0000-00-00'),
        (5, 8, 1, 5, '0000-00-00'),
        (6, 10, 1, 6, '0000-00-00');
// end data block

// start model block
class Clon extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Clon';
        var $validate = array(
                'name' => array('notempty')

        var $belongsTo = array(
        /*      'Orig' => array( ... ),
                'Donor' => array( ... ) */
        ); // end $belongsTo

        var $hasMany = array( ... ),
                'Planted' => array( ... ),
                'Treated' => array( ... ),
                /* Attempt to link clon back to mated *** DOES NOT WORK ***
                'Mother' => array(
                        'className' => 'Mated',
                        'foreignKey' => 'motherID',
                        'dependent' => false,
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => '',
                        'limit' => '',
                        'offset' => '',
                        'exclusive' => '',
                        'finderQuery' => '',
                        'counterQuery' => ''
                'Father' => array(
                        'className' => 'Mated',
                        'foreignKey' => 'fatherID',
                        'dependent' => false,
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => '',
                        'limit' => '',
                        'offset' => '',
                        'exclusive' => '',
                        'finderQuery' => '',
                        'counterQuery' => ''
        ); // end $hasMany

class Pop extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Pop';
        var $validate = array(
                'name' => array('notempty')

        var $belongsTo = array(
                'Orig' => array( ... ),
                'Donor' => array( ... )
        ); // end $belongsTo

        var $hasMany = array(
                'Generated' => array( ... ),
                'Mated' => array(
                        'className' => 'Mated',
                        'foreignKey' => 'pop_id',
                        'dependent' => false,
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => '',
                        'limit' => '',
                        'offset' => '',
                        'exclusive' => '',
                        'finderQuery' => '',
                        'counterQuery' => ''
                'Planted' => array( ... ),
                'Treated' => array( ... )
        ); // end $hasMany

class Mated extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Mated';

        var $belongsTo = array(
                'Mother' => array(
                        'className' => 'Clon',
                        'foreignKey' => 'motherID',
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => ''
                'Father' => array(
                        'className' => 'Clon',
                        'foreignKey' => 'fatherID',
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => ''
                'Pop' => array(
                        'className' => 'Pop',
                        'foreignKey' => 'pop_id',
                        'conditions' => '',
                        'fields' => '',
                        'order' => ''
        ); // end $belongsTo
// end model block

// start debug block
<?php debug($this->data); ?> produces:
Array (
        [Mated] => Array (
                [id] => 3
                [motherID] => 3
                [fatherID] => 7
                [pop_id] => 3
                [date] => 0000-00-00

        [Mother] => Array (
                [id] => 3
                [orig_id] => 334
                [donor_id] =>
                [sourceID] =>
                [date] => 0000-00-00
                [name] => 05-0000295
                [spp] => P strobus x P griffithi
                [method] =>
                [type] =>
                [num_created] =>
                [num_avail] =>
                [br_tested] => unknown
                [br_resist] => unknown
                [com] =>

        [Father] => Array (
                [id] => 7
                [orig_id] =>
                [donor_id] =>
                [sourceID] =>
                [date] => 0000-00-00
                [name] => 05-0000931
                [spp] => P griffithi x wind
                [method] =>
                [type] =>
                [num_created] =>
                [num_avail] =>
                [br_tested] => unknown
                [br_resist] => unknown
                [com] => spp originally P griffithi x P strobus

        [Pop] => Array (
                [id] => 3
                [orig_id] => 149
                [donor_id] =>
                [date] => 0000-00-00
                [name] => WP-0000979
                [sourceID] =>
                [spp] => (P strobus x P griffithi) x (P griffithi x wind)
                [num_created] =>
                [num_avail] =>
                [com] =>
// end debug block

// start edit form block
<div class="mated form">
<?php echo $form->create('Mated');?>
                <legend>Edit Clone Mating</legend>
                        echo $form->input('id');
                        echo $form->input('motherID', array( 'label' => 
'Mother', 'empty'
=> '', 'style' => 'width: 8em;' ));
                        echo $form->input('fatherID', array( 'label' => 
'Father', 'empty'
=> '', 'style' => 'width: 8em;' ));
                        echo $form->input('pop_id', array( 'label' => 
'Population', 'empty'
=> '' ));
                        echo $form->input('date', array( 'label' => 'Mating 
Date', 'empty'
=> '', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '0000-00-00', 'style' => 'width:
8em;' ));
        <div class="outerLeft">
                echo $form->submit('Submit', array('div'=>false, 
'style' => 'width: auto;' ));
                echo $form->submit('Cancel', array('div'=>false, 
'style' => 'width: auto;' ));
        <?php echo $form->end(); ?>
// end edit form block

// start view block
<?php echo $this->element('back_menu'); ?>
<div class="mated view">
<h2>Clone Mating</h2>
        <dl><?php $i = 0; $class = ' class="altrow"';?>
                <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>Mother</dt>
                <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
                        <?php echo $mated['Mother']['name']; ?>
                <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>Father</dt>
                <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
                        <?php echo $mated['Father']['name']; ?>
                <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>Population</dt>
                <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
                        <?php echo $mated['Pop']['name']; ?>
                <dt<?php if ($i % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>Mating Date</dt>
                <dd<?php if ($i++ % 2 == 0) echo $class;?>>
                        <?php echo $mated['Mated']['date']; ?>
// end view block
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