That's exactly what I meant, and I think it was John's point when he answered my very first question.

So if I use link together with url (and true of course) everything should work out fine, that's what you mean right? Even for non root sites, right?


euromark wrote:
oh yes
thats of course a possiblity too

using "true" as second param of Html->url()
this way you have already "http://.."; which doesnt break Html->link()

sry - you're right
just dont forget the "true" :) than everything's fine

On 24 Jan., 17:06, Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
I'm already using link in connection with url (specifying true), but I
thought you had said that this might not work sometime...

and I don't want to set a constant for the host base, that's why I was
using url() with true, which seems to work fine...

euromark wrote:
try this:
('action'=>'...', ...)));
(1.3 syntax)
whereas HTTP_BASE should be your
i have this in my bootstrap:
On 24 Jan., 12:06, Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
sorry if I come back on this issue, but this use of link method in the
html helper does not seem to be documented: the book reports this method
link(string $title, mixed $url = null, array $htmlAttributes = array(),
string $confirmMessage = false, boolean $escapeTitle = true)
euromark wrote:
actually its even way easiert!
$html->link($url, TRUE)
does the trick
the above solution from john might even be wrong in some cases
(if you're not at the top level of your domain, it adds the folders to
the webroot twice...)
On 29 Dez., 12:00, Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
Hey thanks, that's exactly what I needed!
I had searched for it in the HtmlHelper but I hadn't found it since it's
an inherited method :)
John Andersen wrote:
Use the html helpers url method to create the full url for the html
helpers link method, as:
echo $html->link('TEST LINK', $html->url('/advances/forward', true));
On Dec 29, 11:07 am, Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
with the Html and Form helper it's already easy to create absolute links
(starting from the root of the site), but I'd need to create links that
also include the address of the site (starting with http://).
This is needed since the output of the cakephp site should also be
included in other sites (with different addresses).
Is there an automatic way to do this?  Or, I guess, I should set the
site name in some configuration file myself?
thanks in advance

Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DI, Univ. Torino

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