We have an application that was written with an earlier version of
Cake 1.2 (5875 prebeta) - we will be upgrading to the latest release
in a couple of weeks but we ran across an issue with a single action
that is blowing away the $this->__scripts var that is the basis of
$scripts_in_layouts. As a result the page does not work without it's

$scripts_in_layouts works fine for just about every other action in
this substantial application except for this single action. What makes
this action different that all the others is its use of $this-
>requestAction to pull formatted data together. If we remove all
invokations of requestAction the $scrripts_in_layouts variable remains
intact and all is fine. The minute we let one of the requestAction
requests invoke another action which returns it's rendered output it
seems the $scripts_in_layouts var is getting boffed.

We know we have to upgrade and are allocating 2 weeks next month to do
it - much has changed since the very early 1.2 releases and beta
releases but this is a deployed application with over 250 Cake files
that have to be scrubbed for usage of deprecated and modified
functionality. Anyone who can finger what we are running up against
would definitely qualify as a supra-genius and make our day ;)
Something in the back my little mind tells me along the way someone
fixed a memory leak, corruption, or stack issue that we are running
into. We are running php5.

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