Hi AD,

>> I think what I want is a habtm that can connect to multiple models
>> with some additional fields in the join table, but I'm not sure that's
>> feasible, but hope it is.
> a join table with more than 2 fields is a model, and a model that can
> link to anything is (as you know) polymorphic.
> Therefore you want a join table something like this:
> relations
>  id
>  model
>  foreign_id
>  url
>  title
>  related_model
>  related_foreign_id
>  related_url
>  related_title
> which would allow you to relate anything to anything. I wouldn't use
> the polymorphic behavior though. just create a method for returning
> you related stuff - unless you denormalize as hinted above so you
> don't even need to.
> class Relation extends AppModel {
>  function related($model, $id) {
>  $return = array();
>  $data = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => array(
>   'OR' => array(
>     array('model' => $model, 'foreign_id' => $id),
>     array('related_model' => $model, 'related_foreign_id' => $id),
>   )
>  );
>  }
>  .. efficiently loop and get data if at all necessary
>  return $return;
> }

Ahh, ok - thanks. Will have a play then hit you back if I come unstuck.



jon bennett - www.jben.net - blog.jben.net

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