i almost solved my problem, but there is still a little fault. In one
of my views i readout a database cell, with a text inside, e.g. 13.pdf
(13.pdf = document_name).

The little fault is, when i click on the text in the column (e.g.
13.pdf) a download-windows opens and the file i download is called
"13.pdf.pdf". :(
So what is wrong there?

Source-code in my view to invoke the download-method in the
<td><?php echo $html->link($document['Document']['document_name'],
array('action'=>'download', $document['Document']['id'])); ?></td>

Source of my download-function in my documents_controller:
function download($id = null)
    $this->view = 'Media';
        $this->autoLayout = false;

                $this->Document->recursive = -1;
                $document = $this->Document->read(null, $id);

    if (empty($document))
                  $this->redirect('/', 404, true);

    $file = $document['Document']['document_name'];
    $basename = basename($file);
    $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($basename,"."),1));

    $this->set('id', $document['Document']['document_name']);
    $this->set('name', $basename);
        $this->set('download', true);
    $this->set('extension', $file_extension);
The files are stored in cake -> app -> files.

Thanks if someone can help!!!

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