
Thanks for this link. Unfortunately this source don't worked with my
edit-function (add worked).
I tryed to change the source, but without success.


Thanks also for your help. I tryed some hours to get all this working
but also without success.

Fortunately, i found a link to a nice validate function: (http://   -> Thanks a lot to the author!!!)
This code works for my with add and edit.
I simply included a 'notEmpty' rule and it was done. :)

So here is my source:
var $validate = array(
      'location_id' => array(
        /* In the parameters, after 'description', there can be added
more fields to validate */
          'rule' => array('noDuplicates',
            array('description', 'location_id')),
            'message' => 'this combination of Location and Description
is already in use'
      'description' => array(
                    'rule' => 'notEmpty',
        'message' => '"Description" cannot be left blank'

   /* Checks to see if there is already a duplicate of the specific
combination of fields */
   function noDuplicates($value, $params)
      /* if editing an existing record then don't count this record in
the check for duplicates */
      if (!empty($this->id))
          $conditions[] = array($this->primaryKey . ' <>' => $this-

      /* Add a condition for each field we want to check against */
      foreach ($params as $field)
          /* check if value is empty. if it is then check for a NULL
value against this field */
              $fieldVal = $this->data[$this->name][$field];
              $fieldVal = null;
          $conditions[] = array($field => $fieldVal);

      $existingFieldsCount = $this->find( 'count', array('conditions'
=> $conditions, 'recursive' => -1) );
      return $existingFieldsCount < 1;

The function can by included in the current model or in the app_model.

Greetings! :)

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