Hi, I have a model Page which looks like this: http://pastebin.com/m7fa0d789
and SQL table that looks like this: http://pastebin.com/m55d36fb3

I'm using SluggedTree behavior in Page model to generate slugs and
slug paths of every page. I have a form to edit contents of a single
page. After submitting a form I observed that when using this behavior
Page::data array doesn't contain all of fields POST'ed from the form.
To be exact - data field looks normal in Model::beforeSave(), but not
in Model::afterSave() method. In the afterSave method Model::data
array contains only path field and slug field from
SluggedTreeBehavior, the rest of the POSTed data is gone!

Anyone familiar with this problem?
What would You recommend to generate slugs and slug-paths?

Slug-paths are a must-have for me, because I have to create links like
http://server.com/products/productA/features, and can't use IDs in
URLs and having a slug-path makes easy to find a proper page:

Router::connect(/:path, null, array('path' => '[\w/]+'));
and in the controller
$page = $Page->findBySlugPath($path));

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