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On Feb 16, 10:00 am, Furuno <> wrote:
> Nope... :(
> Just to make sure, I tried that once again with :
> $this->set('subjects', $this->Subject->find('all'));
> still no luck...
> On 17 Feb, 00:56, andy <> wrote:
> > Does it work if you try doing a $this->Subject->find() instead of
> > using paginate?  Just to see if that works...
> > On Feb 16, 9:37 am, Furuno <> wrote:
> > > Okay, so, I have two models called Program and Subject, here's the
> > > classes :
> > > program.php
> > > <?php
> > > class Program extends AppModel {
> > >         var $hasMany = 'Subject';}
> > > ?>
> > > subject.php
> > > <?php
> > > class Subject extends AppModel {
> > >         var $belongsTo = 'Program'}
> > > ?>
> > > And the controllers :
> > > programs_controller.php
> > > <?php
> > > class ProgramsController extends AppController {
> > >         var $paginate = array('limit' => 20);
> > >         function admin_index() {
> > >                 $this->set('programs', $this->paginate('Program'));
> > >         }}
> > > ?>
> > > subjects_controller.php
> > > <?php
> > > class SubjectsController extends AppController {
> > >         var $paginate = array('limit' => 20);
> > >         function admin_index() {
> > >                 $this->set('subjects', $this->paginate('Subject'));
> > >         }
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > > The problem is, why the subject controller won't load the associated
> > > models while all the other controllers (programs and periodes) does it
> > > just find?
> > > Here's the SQL debug message from programs controller, it loads the
> > > associated Subjects :
> > > DESCRIBE `programs`
> > > DESCRIBE `subjects`
> > > SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `programs` AS `Program` WHERE 1 = 1
> > > SELECT `Program`.`id`, `Program`.`code`, `Program`.`name`,
> > > `Program`.`description` FROM `programs` AS `Program` WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT
> > > 20
> > > SELECT `Subject`.`id`, `Subject`.`program_id`, `Subject`.`periode_id`,
> > > `Subject`.`code`, `Subject`.`name`, `Subject`.`description` FROM
> > > `subjects` AS `Subject` WHERE `Subject`.`program_id` IN (1, 2, 3)
> > > But in the subjects controller it doesn't load the associated
> > > Programs :
> > > DESCRIBE `subjects`
> > > SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `subjects` AS `Subject` WHERE 1 = 1
> > > SELECT `Subject`.`id`, `Subject`.`program_id`, `Subject`.`periode_id`,
> > > `Subject`.`code`, `Subject`.`name`, `Subject`.`description` FROM
> > > `subjects` AS `Subject` WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 20
> > > I've tried adding a complete association definition array to the
> > > models, complete pagination definition array, using var $name but
> > > still no luck :(
> > > Where did I went wrong? Have debugged this for the last 2 hours...
> > > Thanks before...

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