
i got a unknown trouble with my app.

im trying to set a mail sender but i dont know why it does not send
any email, if somebody could help me i'ld really be thankful
i put my code below

        function sendEmail(){
                $this->Email->smtpOptions = array(
                        'host' =>'smtp.gmail.com',
                        'username'=>'gmail co...@gmail.com',
                        'password'=>'my password');
                $this->Email->sendAs = 'html';
                $this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';
                $this->Email->to = "gmail co...@gmail.com";
                $this->Email->subject = 'Welcome to our CakePHP';
                $this->Email->from = 'geneller naranjo <gmail co...@gmail.com>';
                $this->Email->sendAs = 'html';

when i look the log, i see this:

2010-02-19 13:55:55 Debug: RegistersController:sendEmail:68 errores

that's why i confirm that its not sendind and discard the gmail smtp

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