Hi i looking for the correct cakephp's way to this

This are my models

Area hasMany Poll
Poll hasMany Answer
Institution hasMany Answer

Now i need show the Answer group by Poll and Area by a year and and
for institutions

the output is some like this

Result for "Instutition.name" for the year "YEAR(Poll.date_taken)"

+ Area 1
   - Poll 1
     * Answer 1
     * Answer 2
     * Answer 3
   - Poll 2
     * Answer 6
     * Answer 4
     * Answer 5
+ Area 2
   - Poll 3
     * Answer 11
     * Answer 22
     * Answer 33

Now i looking for each and make an subsubsubarray  area then for each
poll and then all the answer with YEAR(Answer.date_taken) = $year and
Answer.institution_id = $institution_id

Help help to do this using all the power of cakephp :D

Thanks for all :D


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