I think the OP put the main emphasis on legal requirements himself,
but fair point he did mention running the site as well as
administrative and technical issues.

I think the subject matters are little too general to be able to
recommend a selection of books that will be ideal for you.  I am
guilty of not reading enough books myself, which further diminishes my
ability to make good recommendations.

I would say the first thing you need after launching a site is quality
traffic, so the first 6 months is likely to be spent on writing good
content that sets your website apart form the rest and then carrying
out SEO (possibly SEM depending on your budget) efforts to make sure
people know it exists.  An important part of this process is
statistical analysis of your traffic and you can't go far wrong if
using Google Analytics.  I bought 'Web Analytics: An Hour A Day' which
is highly recommended nut haven't had the time to read it in detail
and can;t remember if it is software specific or general?!?

Once you have traffic you then need to be concerned about supporting
your users and correcting any identified bugs, keeping an eye on user
generated content, managing relationships between site members if you
have any social networking features and controlling comment spam.

Your technical issues all really lie with whoever you host your
website with, so choose them carefully.  Do a lot of research and make
sure whoever you go with will be available and willing to help when
you do encounter issues with your hosting.  It's also a good idea do
go with a host who provides you with a high quality Control Panel, SSH
access and phpMyAdmin etc. as this allows you to do a lot of tweaks
and fixes yourself.  Other stuff to consider is how often does the
host upgrade their server software such as updates to the Control
Panel, MySQL, PHP, Anti-Virus, Webmail etc.

It all sounds a lot when you right it down, but really running a
website is not overly time intensive, unless you;re running a highly
successful site, and that would be nice, but is unlikely to happen

Launch it and tackle the issues head on as the arise, but most of all
enjoy it, it sure beats a 9-5 desk job if it can replace the wage!


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