
I've run into something strange while testing my models. Here's a
scenaro (names have been changed for simplicity). I have 2 models,
Article and Comment. in the article model i have code as such:

function myAction() {
now, I'm wanting to test this as part of my article unit test, so i've
got something similar to

$this->assertTrue(count($this->Article->Comment->find('all')) > 0);

The test returns an empty false (since no records have been written to
the database), but when running the application as normal, it works.
My theory is that the Article model isn't writing data to the Comment
database table during the test since the Comment model hasn't been
initialized. I've tried including the Comment model in the article
test (as an import) as well as doing this  in the startTest function

function startTest() {
 $this->Article =& ClassRegistry::init('Article');
 $this->Article->Comment =& ClassRegistry::init('Comment');

Still no luck. Has anybody had this experience before? What am I doing

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