Ivan, you are better served by asking your questions to the groups, as
many other can provide insight into REST with CakePHP. I myself
haven't made any REST in my CakePHP applications, so my help is based
on what I read and understand.

So, have you made the REST setup?
Have you then made the controller, so that it can process the REST
And have you made the views, so that the REST requests can return the

Opening the browser with "/controllername" should give you an XML set
of records. (GET request)
Opening the browser with "/controllerName/recordId" should give you an
XML set with the record having the recordId. (Also GET request).

To perform the other requests (DELETE, POST, PUT) you should create
another application with which to access your REST application using
the request types (GET, DELETE, POST, PUT) ... or do it from within
your REST application.


On Feb 26, 7:50 am, ivan <lights...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What i can know your email address John Andersen?
> I have followed the steps tutorial cakephp rest but How test it so I
> know I am right step or not? What i am Access it is with : ..../
> alkitabs/123? When i am doing it, what show in my screen? xml or not?
> when i am access ../alkitabs/123 in my screen showing display not xml
> and as generally. thanks

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