
In my inventory-management, every table/model has the need of an add-
function. The models are, for example: rooms, locations,
hardware_groups, hardware_units, mobile_radio_units, ports ... and so
Furthermore, the add functions are equal to each other, expect, if
there is an foreign-key inside. So i'd like to create the add-function
in the app_controller.

Your code works, thanks! :)
My last question is, do you know how to make this dynamical, because
the code has to be inside the add_controller.

  function add()
        $this->Session->setFlash('Speichervorgang erfolgreich!');
    if (!$this->data[{$this->modelClass}]['referer'])
      $this->data[{$this->modelClass}]['referer'] = $this->referer();

I've tryed: {$this->modelClass}
I think the result of this is only the [code]class[/code] but i need

And again, thank you very much for helping me in nearly all me topics!

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