Cake's auto-HABTM saving requires the field to be named a particular
way in order to recognise it.

Try naming your multiple-select field "ExportDocument.ExportDocument".

$list['docs'] should also be in the format array( =>

Varisan International <>

On Mar 5, 8:56 am, murkyt <> wrote:
> I have the following relationships set up for a database of Samples.
> There are many different types of sample and each type has it's own
> set of fields so I have modelled them as Supertype/Subtypes with
> hasOne relationships. For an ExportSample it can have one or more
> documents tied to it.
> Sample hasOne ExportSample
> ExportSample HABTM ExportDocuments
> Sample Model:
> var $hasOne=array
> (
>         'ExportSample';
> )
> ExportSample Model:
> var $hasAndBelongsToMany=array
> (
>         'ExportDocuments'
> );
> ExportDocuments Model:
> var $hasAndBelongsToMany=array
> (
>         'ExportSample '
> );
> I have a form that consists of some fields from the Sample, some from
> the ExportSample and a list of checkboxes for the ExportDocuments .
> echo $form->create('Sample',array('action'=>'addedit'));
> echo $form->input('');
> echo $form->input('Sample.sampletype_id');
> echo $form->input('ExportSample.samplesize_id');
> echo $form->input('ExportSample.sampleform_id');
> echo $form->input('');
> echo $form->input('ExportSample.ExportDocument', array( 'type' =>
> 'select', 'multiple' => 'checkbox', 'options'=>$lists['docs']));
> echo $form->end('Save Changes');
> In the controller I am saving the data with...
> $this->Sample->saveAll($this->data);
> When I use this form it saves the Sample data and the Export Sample
> data from the form but it won't save the HABTM Export Documents. It
> doesn't run any queries on the HABTM join table at all. If I leave out
> the it does save the HABTM data but with an
> exportsample_id of 0. Put it back in and the HABTM data doesn't save.
> I believe the relationships are set up correctly because running a
> find operation on the Sample model will show the HABTM ExportDocument
> data.
> I have successfully used forms in the past with HABTM data and if the
> Sample model had a HABTM relationship with Export Documents I would
> have no problems - but in this case the hasOne->hasOne->HABTM
> relationship seems to screw things up.
> Has anyone come across this before or got any ideas about how I can
> get this to work?

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