
Correct me if I'm wrong... You ended up creating the association
inside the chat plugin anyway - like any other model-to-model
relationship? I wonder if I'm being too strict in trying to keep the
plugin too app-agnostic. And the truth is, in the current app I have,
there are other app-specific hasMany gallery that the plugin should
never know about so it remains portable. How do you see that changing
the relationship? I was considering trying the hasMany :through
relationship that a couple Cake bloggers have talked about (appears
similar to HABTM, but not). That could possibly solve the issue
besides just creating the Gallery install requirement to add the
appropriate model relationships back to the app - just cuts down on
the portability.


On Mar 6, 5:58 pm, nurvzy <> wrote:
> This is how I do it in my InstantMessenger plugin which relates to the
> User model of the App.
> //plugins/instant_messenger/models/im_chat.php
> var $belongsTo = array(
>     'ImSession' => array(
>       'className' => 'InstantMessenger.ImSession',
>       'dependant' => true
>     ),
>     'User' => array(
>       'className' => 'User'
>     )
>   );
> //app/models/user.php
> var $hasMany = array(
>   'Chat' => array(
>     'className' => 'InstantMessenger.ImChat',
>   )
> );
> Now I have an alias model of Chat for my User model that relates to
> the plugin/model/im_chat.
> Hope that helps,
> Nick
> On Mar 6, 9:50 am, "iamcam (Cameron Perry)" <>
> wrote:> This might be elementary for some, but I haven't quite wrapped my head
> > around how I can build a hasMany relationship from my app model to a
> > model in a plugin (one I'm also writing).
> > The basic gist looks something like this:
> > /** App's User Model **/
> > class User extends AppModel {
> >         var $name = 'User';
> >         var $hasMany = array('Gallery.Gallery'); // you get the point
> > }
> > /** Gallery Plugin's Gallery Model **/
> > class Gallery extends GalleryAppModel {
> >         var $name = 'Gallery';
> >         var $belongsTo = array( ... ); //other plugin models
> > }
> > /*********************************************************/
> > So what I want to do is basically get a list of all the galleries
> > associated with a user. I know how to do that if the gallery is built
> > in to the app, but since I'm trying to make it modular I'm a little
> > stumped. PS: There are other app models that will also have a hasMany
> > relationship to gallery, so I want to do the right thing.
> > I'm in the mindset that plugins aren't meant to be messed with (too
> > much) to integrate them into your app, so it doesn't seem like a good
> > idea to me to start adding foreign key fields in the gallery model
> > (like user_id or tag_id).  I considered creating a HABTM on my app
> > side so I at least have a join table where I can match the two sets of
> > foreign keys. Am I wrong about either of these?
> > So the big question - How do I do this? Does anyone else figured this
> > out before?
> > Thanks so much in advance! This community has been very good to me in
> > the past.
> > ~Cameron

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