That's an interesting article that contains some useful information.
However, I don't think it directly applies to my problem.

I think that the techniques described in the article are best suited
for situations when you have large amounts of complex data that you
need to be able to display different views of in a flexible manner.
The extracted data is stored back into the database and it is
presented to the user in the traditional ways of using find() and
passing the info to the [buffered] views.

In my case, the data I need to export is already simplified and the
query is optimized. I don't need to further simplify it or store it
back to the DB. My problem is how to stream this data directly to the
client. If I use find() on the entire data, I run into memory issues
(mostly because everything is buffered in memory until the data is
ready and the overhead of passing the arrays back and forth). If I
split the query into multiple pages and call find on subsets of the
data, the request becomes too slow (the times of the paged queries add
up pretty quickly).

I need to execute the query and then iterate over the raw result set
and stream/flush the data. I know I can do this all manually but I was
hoping I could leverage cake's models and query building abilities
instead of doing it all from scratch.

- barduck

On Mar 9, 5:49 pm, Jorge Horacio Cué Cantú <>
> Hello,
> Why don't You take a look at the article "Star schema (OLAP) setup for
> reporting" at the backery.
> It might be used for exporting instead reporting.
> The link to the article is
> Please let us know your insights.
> Regards.
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:45 PM, barduck <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In my cake application (1.2, apache, mysql), I need to export a large
> > amount of data (tens of thousands of records or more) in XML format.
> > The query itself is heavy but nothing the application/database
> > shouldn't handle reasonably (it takes ~1-2 seconds to complete the
> > query itself).
> > I first tried the naive way of just calling find() and passing the
> > result to an XML view. This, of course, chokes the application pretty
> > quickly and PHP runs out of memory.
> > Next I tried "paging" the query internally within one call in my
> > controller, rending each chuck and flushing the output buffer
> > manually. This worked better but it is taking way too long since I now
> > have dozens of queries instead of one, each taking over a second to
> > complete.
> > Now I know there must be a way to achieve this since running the same
> > query in phpmyadmin and exporting the result as XML works very well. I
> > guess that in this case I need to somehow bypass some of cake
> > mechanisms, iterate over the result set myself and steam the data to
> > the client.
> > But I still want to use some of cake's strengths when possible so I
> > figured I need to do something like this.
> > * use cake for the request: routes, controller/action, parse input
> > parameters
> > * use cake models to generate the find query
> > * obtain the SQL query from cake
> > * get the active mysql database connection from cake
> > * execute the query on the raw connection
> > * iterate over the result set, generate the XML elements, sending
> > chucks of data to the client and flushing as needed.
> > (when the above works I may save the XML to intermediate file for
> > caching and redirect to that file, using cake's cache to control
> > expiration).
> > Does the above make sense or is there any better way to achieve my
> > goal?
> > How do I get the raw SQL query for my models without executing it?
> > How do I get the database connection?
> > Any help is appreciated.
> > Thanks!
> > - barduck

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