Probably there is an error at database level. Make sure your server
table structure and constraints are the same of your local machine.

On 15 mar, 01:20, SeeVik <> wrote:
> Hello all
> I am using CakePHP 1.2 and I am trying to implement a simple form data
> validation. The thing is that the data validation works on my local
> machine but it doesn't work on my rental server (Linux FreeBSD
> server).
> Here's my model....
> <?php
> class Inventory extends AppModel
> {
>     var $name = 'Inventory';
>     var $validate = array(
>         'make' => array(
>             'rule'      => 'notEmpty',
>             'message'   => '入力必須!'
>         )
>    );}
> ?>
> and view template....
> <?php echo $form->create( 'Inventory', array( 'action' =>
> 'index' ) ); ?>
> <?php echo $form->input(
>                 "make",
>                 array(
>                         "div" => false,
>                         "label" => ":Maker",
>                 ) ); ?>
> <?php echo $form->end( 'Send' ); ?>
> Here's my controller....
> <?php
> class InventoriesController extends AppController
> {
>     var $name = 'Inventories';
>     var $uses = array( 'Inventory' );
>     function index()
>     {
>         if( $this->data )
>         {
>             $this->Inventory->set( $this->data );
>             if( $this->Inventory->validates() ) { /* some logic */ }
>                 else { /* some other logic */ }
>         }
>     }}
> ?>
> The problem is that the data gets set on the model, but the validates
> function always return true, even though I am submitting a blank form.
> What could be going wrong?
> Thanks and Regards
> ShiVik

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