I am working to build a job board with an admin side for adding jobs
and categories, and a front end for browsing and searching.

On the admin side I have a form for editing/creating jobs.

Each job needs to be able to be assigned to multiple categories. I am
assuming the best way to do this is through an HABTM association of
the jobs and categories tables. So I have created the categories_jobs
table and placed the HABTM associations along with joinTable
properties in each of the jobs and categories models respectively.

The following information is collected from the form: Title,
Description, Location

That information needs to be stored in the jobs table.

Also, I have multiple checkboxes of categories on the form, these come
from the categories table through the HABTM relation.

When I try to save using $this->Job-save($this->data) I get an SQL
error about saving an array.

I need to be able to fill out the job data and then select multiple
categories for the job to be associated with.

Here is my action in the jobs_controller code:

function edit($id=null) {
        $this->set('category', $this->Job->Category->find('list'));
        $data = $this->editOrCreate($id);
        if(!empty($this->data)) {
            $this->data['Category']['id'] = (array('category_id'));
            $this->User['User']['admin'] = 1;
            if($this->Job->saveAll($data)) {
                $this->Session->setFlash('The job has been saved');
            } else {
                $this->Session->setFlash('The Job could not be saved.
Please try again later.');
        $categories = $this->Job->Category->find('list');

and here is the view where the data is entered:

<?php echo $form->create('Job');?>

<div class="body">

        <? if($editing): ?>
                <div class="floatRight">
                        <?php echo $html->link('Delete Job', 
$form->value('Job.id')), null, __('Are you sure you want to delete
this job?', true).' '. $form->value('Job.name')); ?>

                <h2>Edit Job - <?=$form->value('Job.name')?></h2>
        <? else: ?>
                <h2>Create New Job</h2>

        <? endif; ?>

        <?=$form->input('name', array('autocomplete'=>'off','label'=>'Title',
'style'=>'width: 175px;'));?>
array('autocomplete'=>'off','label'=>'Description', 'style'=>'width:
        <?=$form->input('location', array('autocomplete'=>'off',
'label'=>'Location', 'style'=>'width: 175px;'));?>
        <?=$form->input('job_id', array('type'=>'hidden',
$category,'multiple'=>'checkbox', 'label'=>'Categories'));?>



<?php echo $form->end();?>

Any help to overcome this problem would be GREATLY appreciated. I am
pretty new at PHP and CakePHP, so if you could be verbose in your
reply I would be grateful.

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