Hi all,
I tried to search among the past discussions and in the tutorials for
sub-forms or multi-level forms but I didn't find any helpful post.

I'm trying to decide whether to switch from my own php class set
towards CakePHP framework and I would like to unserstand if CakePHP
can help me building multi-level forms to insert datas in tables like
the following ones:

Companies (`id`, `name`, etc...)
-> CompanyPhoneNumbers (`id`, `company_id`, `number`, etc...)
-> CompanyEmailAddresses (`id`, `company_id`, `address`, etc...)
-> BankAccounts (`id`, `company_id`, etc...)
-> Contacts (`id`, `company_id`, `first_name`, `second_name`, etc...)
-> -> ContactPhoneNumbers (`id`, `contact_id`, `number`, etc...)
-> -> ContactEmailAddresses (`id`, `contact_id`, `address`, etc...)

I need to build a single form - maybe with ajax "tabbed" subsections -
to insert these data for each company.

Is CakePHP able to manage such type of structured data or should I
build the php code on my own?

Thanks a lot,

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