Hi all!

I created a simple model:
class Photos extends AppModel {
     var $name = 'Photos';
     var $actsAs = array('Aircraft');

Put file 'aircraft.php' in app/models/behaviors'. It has only one method:
class AircraftBehavior extends ModelBehavior
    function setup(&$model, $settings = array())

    function flyto(&$model, $from, $to)
         echo "Flying from {$from} to {$to} \n<br />";

Then in my PhotosController I do call "$this->Photo->flyto("toronto",
"monreal");" and get the error "SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your
SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
for the right syntax to use near 'flyto' at line 1". It seems that the
method "flyto" is treated as SQL command.

If I add $this->Photo->Behaviors->attach('Aircraft');" before actual call of
"flyto" method, then everything is all right. Why can this happens, that
"actAs" does nothing?

Best regards,

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