Thanks for the reply.

I'm sure I can make it work with an SQL query, but I'm new to Cake and
I'm trying to work within the system :)

Is there a way to make this complex a query work with conditions on
find(), paginate(), etc, or will I need to resort to writing custom


On Mar 29, 11:18 am, John Andersen <> wrote:
> You have to use the table alias for the schools table! So your joins
> become this:
> FROM applications AS Application
> JOIN schools AS AppliedToSchool ON (Application.school_id =
> JOIN students AS Student ON (Application.student_id =
> JOIN schools AS FromSchool ON (Student.school_id =
> WHERE = ###
>    AND = 'SSS';
> That makes sure that you do not refer to the same school as both the
> AppliedToSchool and FromSchool, which would never return anything -
> unless the student applies to the same school :)
> Enjoy,
>    John
> On Mar 29, 1:00 am, Ryan <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a rather complicated relationship involving a table being
> > referenced twice by two different tables, and I can't get find() to
> > put the conditions on the correct instance of the double-referenced
> > table.
> > Specifically, I have Applications, which have a Student and a School
> > (the school the student is applying to), and Students have a school
> > which is the school they're currently at. I'm currently working with
> > an Applications controller/view.
> > I am successfully using a condition on Applications.school_id to limit
> > the results to only applications relevant to the school being applied
> > to, but would also like to add a condition limiting the school the
> > student is currently at by name. I tried $options['conditions']
> > ['Student.School.Name'] but it didn't like that.
> > Here's the SQL I would write if I were doing this outside cakephp,
> > hopefully this will make the above clearer. It's the third JOIN/second
> > half of the WHERE clause that won't work:
> > SELECT * FROM applications
> >     JOIN schools as appliedToSchool ON (applications.school_id =
> >
> >     JOIN students ON (applications.student_id =
> >     JOIN schools as fromSchool ON (students.school_id =
> > WHERE applications.school_id=### AND = 'SSS';
> > This doesn't seem too complex, so I'm probably missing something
> > obvious. Thanks for any advice you can give.

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