any luck with this? I would like to try uploadify but it seems there
are only broken reports with cake in the google group? Anybody used it
successfully out there?



On Mar 21, 10:41 pm, abocanegra <> wrote:
> Correction - However, problems still not fixed
> ################ upload function had a typo, fixed it but still not
> uploading file
>         function upload()
>         {
>          if (isset($this->params['form']['Filedata']))
>                 {
>         //Derived from theuploadify.php file - does not work
>         $tempFile = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
>                 $targetPath = '';
>                 $targetFile =  str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . 
> $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
>                 move_uploaded_file($tempFile,$targetFile);
>                 $image_path = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
>                                 if(isset($image_path))
>                                 {
> $this->Photo->saveField('image',$image_path);
>                                         //Put success message and redirect 
> here
>                                 }else{
>                                         //Put error message here
>                                 }
>                 }
>         }
> Also, I beleive the multiple posting - beyond 2 entries - was a
> session issue. I deleted all sessions in the phptmpdir and it fixed
> that issue.
> I still cannot upload the file though.
> On Mar 20, 9:40 pm, abocanegra <> wrote:
> > Alright, ahead of time thanks for any help on this. I have been
> > researching for far longer than I care to admit. I am attempting to
> > getuploadify2.1 to work with cakePHP 1.3. I have read up a great
> > deal on other formats as well, such as swfupload.
> > Controller name = photos_controller.php
> >           relevant functions = upload & addmult
> > Model Name = photo.php
> > views= addmult.ctp (upload.ctp is just the function being called from
> > addmult)
> > Sucesses - I have been able to get the browse and upload working (on
> > the surface). It appears to handle a multi-upload, or at least goes
> > through the paces. Also I am able to trigger the upload function from
> > the controller and add either the name using $this->params['form']
> > ['Filedata']['name'].
> > Problems -
> >  I cannot get the file uploaded to my uploads/temp directory (it is
> > 777 and works well with my single image upload script). I have tried
> > every variation including absolute paths to get to it
> > .
> > There does not seem to be any error messages, I have tried adding a
> > few from the various forums, none have done anything.
> > When I trigger the multiple uploads it goes through the paces, but
> > only adds one entry into the database.
> > Also It appears the database tends to only accept 2 entries, though I
> > haven't thoroughly tested that problem.
> > Goal -
> > I am hoping to implement this function so that I can utilize it with
> > image.php which i have altered to create the files in the manner I
> > need. To do this I will need to be able to send the file to image.php
> > for scale changes, multifolder organization and name changes. After
> > which it will redirect to a page to add the additional info (title,
> > client, etc) needed.
> > Any advice on any of the issues would be appreciated.
> > Code Snippets:
> > Controller:
> > #################################################
> > class PhotosController extends AppController {
> >         var $name = 'Photos';
> >         var $components = array("Image");
> >         var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Form');
> >         function beforeFilter() {
> >         if ($this->action == 'upload') {
> >             $this->Session->id($this->params['pass'][0]);
> >             $this->Session->start();
> >         }
> >         parent::beforeFilter();
> >     }
> >         function upload()
> >         {
> >          if (isset($this->params['form']['Filedata']))
> >                 {
> >         //Derived from theuploadify.php file - does not work
> >         //$tempFile = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
> >         //      $targetPath = 'http://www.whatartist.coms/uploads/temp';
> >         //      $targetFile =  str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . 
> > $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
> >                 //move_uploaded_file($tempFile,$targetFile);
> >                 $image_path = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
> >                                 if(isset($image_path))
> >                                 {
> >                                         
> > $this->Photo->saveField('image',$image_path);
> >                                         //Put success message and redirect 
> > here
> >                                 }else{
> >                                         //Put error message here
> >                                 }
> >                 }
> >         }
> >  // Handle multiple incoming uploads.
> >         function addmulti() {
> >            //Left empty because it was providing no functionality
> >           // I did try posting to this instead of upload function but
> > didn't work so cleared it
> >         }
> >         function upload()
> >         {
> >          if (isset($this->params['form']['Filedata']))
> >                 {
> > //Derived from theuploadify.php file - does not work
> >         //$tempFile = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
> >         //      $targetPath = 'http://www.whatartist.coms/uploads/temp';
> >         //      $targetFile =  str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . 
> > $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
> >         //move_uploaded_file($tempFile,$targetFile);
> >                 $image_path = $this->params['form']['Filedata']['name']; 
> > //Works
> >                                 if(isset($image_path))
> >                                 {
> >                                         
> > $this->Photo->saveField('image',$image_path);
> >                                         //Put success message and redirect 
> > here
> >                                 }else{
> >                                         //Put error message here
> >                                 }
> >                 }
> >         }
> > //View - addmult.ctp
> > ############################################################
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >   $(document).ready(function() {
> >         $("#fileInput2").uploadify({
> >                 'uploader'       : '/admin/swf/uploadify.swf',
> >                 'script'         : '<?php echo 
> > $html->url('/photos/upload/'.$session->id()); ?>',
> >                 'cancelImg'      : '/admin/img/cancel.png',
> >                 'fileExt'                : '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif',
> >                 'folder'         : '../../../uploads/temp',
> >                 'multi'          : true,
> >                 'auto'                   : true,
> >         'fileExt'                : '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif'
> >         });});
> > </script>
> > <p><strong>Multiple File Upload</strong></p>
> > <input id="fileInput2" name="fileInput2" type="file" />
> > <a href="javascript:$('#fileInput2').uploadifyClearQueue();">Clear
> > Queue</a>
> > Model - Photo.php (taken from one of the forums, not sure it has any
> > use at this point)
> > ###################################################
> >  function findByPath ($path, $name) {
> >         return $this->find("name = '$name' and path = '$path'");
> >     }
> > Hopefully that is enough detail.

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