hi all!

i'm merely beginning with cakephp and i've tried the two examples and
all worked fine.

but now i'm trying to convert my own sql scheme to a cake application
using the bake all command.

in short, the fields that matter:

artitsts {
 auto_increment int id
 first_name varchar(100)
 last_name varchar(100)

work {
 auto_increment id
 int artist_id

basically, what i'd like is that, when editing/adding a work, you'd
get a select box to select the artist. now, when i bake, it either:
-gives me no select box, just an input field
-sometimes i get to select the artist id

what i want: a select box with a combination of the first and last

is there magic to this or should i just do it manually? fill an array
in the controller, push it to the view and then make a $form->select
element? or is there a way to obtain the behaviour of the example,
where creating a user shows a select box for the group, even though
the view says $form->input?

the only difference i see so far is that the group name is unique.
should i make my lastname column unique maybe? or can i make the
combination unique? that probably won't work, will it?

or is it the name of the column? does cakephp automatically pick the
"name" field if present?


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