Hi, i have this tables:


Now, this is the relations:

Software Has Many Reviews
Software Has Many Mirrors
Software HABTM Requirements

Works fine.

The problem is that i need to resume the tables to get a better response
from mysql, the reviews tables have text fields and are classified by
language, so, for the public site i do a Published table for each language,
i mean: language_en language_es language_fr and load the data automatically
into that tables...

The Published table is a merge of the Software and Review Table. The PK of
Published table is 'id', and is the same number of the reviews table.

I want to establish this relationship: Published.software_id (not the PK)
Has Many Mirrors.software_id

The key has a Unique index, the problem is that aparently i can use the
foreign_key attribute when declaring the relationship to set the Mirror
model field, but i cant set the field that i want to use on the Published
model, it uses the PK by default.

Is there a way to force it to use other key different to the PK for the

Currently im using afterFind function and works okey, but dont allows me to
use "contain" or "fields".

Hope you can understand me and help me

thanks for you time,


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