Oops, I copied/pasted the wrong link... I followed this

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Iqbal Santyaswardan <isant...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I had wanted to have a single signon to phpbb, so i followed
> http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article/phpbb3-sessions-integration/ and replaced
> my User model/table/controller/etc to Member.  Since I had trouble making it
> work, I had since commented out the login into phpbb part.  But since I
> still want to look into it in the future someday, I still have my model use
> Member, and I have $this->Auth->userModel = 'Member';
> But for some reason in my session I'm getting this:
> Array
> (
>     [Auth] => Array
>         (
>             [Member] => Array
>                 (  // filled by Member model variables
>                 )
>             [User] => Array
>                 (  // filled by Member model variables
>                )
>         )
> )
> The Member model was originally User (i just rename it, the table names,
> field names, etc).  Why am I still getting the User array?  Or is this an
> expected behavior?
> Regards,
> Iqbal S.

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