I hope someone can help me. I am thoroughly getting irritated with
cake bake all.

I have a table named members. In inside this table I have a field

I have a table ref_memberships.

When I do a "cake bake all Member" I get this error:

Error: Missing database table 'refs' for model 'Ref'

When I do a cake bake, and manually bake my model, it asks me if
"Member belongsTo RefMembership?" which I say yes, but then it prompts
me "Member hasAndBelongsToMany Ref?" which I say no. Then the model is

I know I can manually create my models; however I want to figure out
how to get cake bake all to work. I like having the underscores as
described in the CakePHP naming conventions, and I don't think that I
should have to remove them. I am using a singular word 'ref' so it
shouldn't be registering as a HABTM situation. I would prefer not to
have to edit cake source either if possible.

I even tried renaming my table to resource_memberships, in case ref
was some kind of reserved word, but I still get "Error: Missing
database table 'resources' for model 'Resource'".

This maybe a bug with cake, but if you see something I am doing wrong
please let me know.

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