On May 2, 1:45 pm, Jon Bennett <jmbenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > i need to use Merchant model to do a find of all 4 related data.
> > notice that Domain is the only one NOT directly related to Merchant.
> > i tried this in a method inside Merchant model:
> > $this->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> > $this->User->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> > $this->Shop->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> > $this->Shop->Domain->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> > $this->recursive = -1;
> > $this->User->recursive = -1;
> > $this->Shop->recursive = -1;
> > $this->Shop->Domain->recursive = -1;
> > return $this->find('first',
> >                array(
> >                  'contain'=>array(
> >                                         'User',
> >                                         'Shop' => array('Domain' ),
> >                                        ),
> >                'conditions' => $conditions
> >        ));
> >http://book.cakephp.org/view/1323/Containablehas errors in terms of
> > telling you where to place the conditions. my way is correct as of 1.3
> > Cakephp
> return $this->find('first', array(
>         // conditions for the main model
>         'conditions'=>array(),
>         // contain
>         'contain'=>array(
>                 'User'=>array(
>                         // conditions for the user model
>                         'conditions'=>array('User.status'=>1),
>                         'Other', 'Models', 'From', 'User'
>                 ),
>                 'Shop'=>array('Domain'),
>         )
> ));

Using conditions like that is the equivalent of a right join - you're
still going to get every single "main model" row - and just get an
empty array for any row which links to a user with a status that isn't



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