Hi Jeremy,

thank you for answering.

I agree with you that it would be silly of me to keep emphasizing to
do the find from merchant. i would readily accept a solution that does
it elegantly even if the find starts from another model.

For instance, i tried out Jon's example code and subsequently put up
the resultant sql query and results. you can see the ultra long post.

My gut feeling tells me that I do not see any significant difference
even if i start from User model.

But of course i would be more convinced if

a) you point out the exact reason why starting from User would prove
to be different this time.


b) like jon, you put up some example code for me to try out.

at the very least my guess is that either Merchant or Shop would be
the best to start from since the associations look like this

User <-> Merchant <-> Shop <-> Domain

Thank you for taking time to answer though. I appreciate all input.

On May 4, 7:15 pm, Jeremy Burns <jeremybu...@me.com> wrote:
> The find does not have to be done from the Merchant model. If the models are 
> related if sometimes makes sense to hop across to another model to start the 
> find from there (I often do this). If it makes more sense to start it from, 
> say, the User model, then you can do $this->Merchant->User->find() and 
> contain the Merchant, Shop and Domain models.
> Jeremy Burns
> jeremybu...@me.com
> On 4 May 2010, at 12:06, Kei Simone wrote:
> > i have the following for my cake 1.3:
> > User hasOne Merchant (so Merchant belongsTo User)
> > Shop hasMany Merchant (so Merchant belongsTo Shop as well.)
> > Shop hasMany Domain (so Domain belongsTo Shop.)
> > i need to use Merchant model to do a find of all 4 related data.
> > i need to find the first datarow that matches conditions for Merchant,
> > User and Domain.
> > Merchant.owner = 1
> > User.email = a...@a.com
> > Domain.domain =http://abc.example.com
> > Domain.primary = 1
> > the datarow must contain data from all 4 models.
> > the find must be done inside the Merchant model. as in $this->find...
> > Love to hear more from you about Containable. Really interested to see
> > how powerful Containable is.
> > On May 3, 3:33 pm, Andrei Mita <andrei.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Simone,
> >> Containable is extremely powerful. I am just amazed how little time it 
> >> takes
> >> me to write complex queries.
> >> Give me the structure of the tables and an example of what do you want to
> >> retrieve from them and I might be able to help you around.
> >> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Kei Simone <kimc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Hi i did this
> >>> $this->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> >>>                $this->User->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> >>>                $this->Shop->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> >>>                $this->Shop->Domain->Behaviors->attach('Containable');
> >>>                $this->recursive = -1;
> >>>                $this->User->recursive = -1;
> >>>                $this->Shop->recursive = -1;
> >>>                $this->Shop->Domain->recursive = -1;
> >>>                return $this->find('first', array(
> >>>                         // conditions for the main model
> >>>                         'conditions'=>array('Merchant.owner'=>1),
> >>>                         // contain
> >>>                        'contain'=>array(
> >>>                                'User'=>array(
> >>>                                        // conditions for the user model
> >>>  'conditions'=>array('User.group_id'=>MERCHANTS,
> >>>                                                            'User.email' =>
> >>> 'a...@a.com',),
> >>>                                ),
> >>>                                'Shop'=>array(
> >>>  'conditions'=>array('Shop.web_address' => 'http://
> >>> abc.myspree2shop.com',),
> >>>                                              'Domain'),
> >>>                        )
> >>>                ));
> >>> i got this in the sql query log
> >>> SELECT `Merchant`.`id`, `Merchant`.`owner`, `Merchant`.`shop_id`,
> >>> `Merchant`.`user_id`, `Shop`.`id`, `Shop`.`theme_id`, `Shop`.`name`,
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address`, `Shop`.`created_on`, `Shop`.`modified_on`,
> >>> `Shop`.`status`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`password`,
> >>> `User`.`group_id`, `User`.`full_name`, `User`.`name_to_call`,
> >>> `User`.`last_login_on`, `User`.`status`, `User`.`created_on`,
> >>> `User`.`modified_on` FROM `merchants` AS `Merchant` LEFT JOIN `shops`
> >>> AS `Shop` ON (`Merchant`.`shop_id` = `Shop`.`id` AND
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address` = 'http://abc.myspree2shop.com') LEFT JOIN
> >>> `users` AS `User` ON (`Merchant`.`user_id` = `User`.`id` AND
> >>> `User`.`group_id` = 3 AND `User`.`email` = 'a...@a.com') WHERE
> >>> `Merchant`.`owner` = 1 LIMIT 1
> >>> SELECT `Shop`.`id`, `Shop`.`theme_id`, `Shop`.`name`,
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address`, `Shop`.`created_on`, `Shop`.`modified_on`,
> >>> `Shop`.`status` FROM `shops` AS `Shop` WHERE `Shop`.`id` = 1 AND
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address` = 'http://abc.myspree2shop.com'
> >>> SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`password`,
> >>> `User`.`group_id`, `User`.`full_name`, `User`.`name_to_call`,
> >>> `User`.`last_login_on`, `User`.`status`, `User`.`created_on`,
> >>> `User`.`modified_on` FROM `users` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`id` = 1 AND
> >>> `User`.`group_id` = 3 AND `User`.`email` = 'a...@a.com'
> >>> i got this result
> >>> Array
> >>> (
> >>>    [Merchant] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] => 1
> >>>            [owner] => 1
> >>>            [shop_id] => 1
> >>>            [user_id] => 1
> >>>        )
> >>>    [Shop] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] =>
> >>>            [theme_id] =>
> >>>            [name] =>
> >>>            [web_address] =>
> >>>            [created_on] =>
> >>>            [modified_on] =>
> >>>            [status] =>
> >>>        )
> >>>    [User] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] =>
> >>>            [email] =>
> >>>            [password] =>
> >>>            [group_id] =>
> >>>            [full_name] =>
> >>>            [name_to_call] =>
> >>>            [last_login_on] =>
> >>>            [status] =>
> >>>            [created_on] =>
> >>>            [modified_on] =>
> >>>        )
> >>> )
> >>> When i changed your recommendation to
> >>>                            return $this->find('first',
> >>>                                        array(
> >>>                                          'contain'=>array(
> >>>                                                           'User',
> >>>                                                           'Shop' =>
> >>> array('Domain'
> >>>                                                                        ),
> >>>                                                           ),
> >>>                                           'conditions' =>
> >>> array('User.group_id'=>MERCHANTS,
> >>>                                                            'User.email' =>
> >>> 'a...@a.com',
> >>> 'Shop.web_address' => 'http://abc.myspree2shop.com',
> >>>                                                           )
> >>>                                          )
> >>>                                );
> >>> all i did was to move all the conditions to the main model.
> >>> i got this in my sql query log:
> >>> SELECT `Merchant`.`id`, `Merchant`.`owner`, `Merchant`.`shop_id`,
> >>> `Merchant`.`user_id`, `Shop`.`id`, `Shop`.`theme_id`, `Shop`.`name`,
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address`, `Shop`.`created_on`, `Shop`.`modified_on`,
> >>> `Shop`.`status`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`password`,
> >>> `User`.`group_id`, `User`.`full_name`, `User`.`name_to_call`,
> >>> `User`.`last_login_on`, `User`.`status`, `User`.`created_on`,
> >>> `User`.`modified_on` FROM `merchants` AS `Merchant` LEFT JOIN `shops`
> >>> AS `Shop` ON (`Merchant`.`shop_id` = `Shop`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `users` AS
> >>> `User` ON (`Merchant`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE `User`.`group_id`
> >>> = 3 AND `User`.`email` = 'a...@a.com' AND `Shop`.`web_address` =
> >>> 'http://abc.myspree2shop.com'LIMIT1
> >>> SELECT `Shop`.`id`, `Shop`.`theme_id`, `Shop`.`name`,
> >>> `Shop`.`web_address`, `Shop`.`created_on`, `Shop`.`modified_on`,
> >>> `Shop`.`status` FROM `shops` AS `Shop` WHERE `Shop`.`id` = 2
> >>> SELECT `Domain`.`id`, `Domain`.`domain`, `Domain`.`shop_id`,
> >>> `Domain`.`primary`, `Domain`.`always_redirect_here` FROM `domains` AS
> >>> `Domain` WHERE `Domain`.`shop_id` = (2)
> >>> i got this in my result:
> >>> Array
> >>> (
> >>>    [Merchant] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] => 2
> >>>            [owner] => 1
> >>>            [shop_id] => 2
> >>>            [user_id] => 2
> >>>        )
> >>>    [Shop] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] => 2
> >>>            [theme_id] => 0
> >>>            [name] =>
> >>>            [web_address] =>http://abc.myspree2shop.com
> >>>            [created_on] => 2010-05-03 04:36:08
> >>>            [modified_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> >>>            [status] => 1
> >>>            [Domain] => Array
> >>>                (
> >>>                    [0] => Array
> >>>                        (
> >>>                            [id] => 2
> >>>                            [domain] =>http://abc.myspree2shop.com
> >>>                            [shop_id] => 2
> >>>                            [primary] => 1
> >>>                            [always_redirect_here] => 0
> >>>                        )
> >>>                )
> >>>        )
> >>>    [User] => Array
> >>>        (
> >>>            [id] => 2
> >>>            [email] => a...@a.com
> >>>            [password] => password
> >>>            [group_id] => 3
> >>>            [full_name] => ally
> >>>            [name_to_call] => ally
> >>>            [last_login_on] =>
> >>>            [status] => 1
> >>>            [created_on] => 2010-05-03 04:36:08
> >>>            [modified_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> >>>        )
> >>> )
> >>> Something is wrong here. i think the document is missing something. i
> >>> cannot be sure.
> >>> I have to say that i CANNOT use Containable the moment i need to set
> >>> conditions for the models that are 2 steps away from the main model.
> >>> which is what i am looking for.
> >>> I am willing to admit i make mistakes since i am only using cake for 1
> >>> month so far. but i think someone has to show me where i made it
> >>> because i really cannot see it.
> >>> I have to say that containable can be quite powerful and i tried to go
> >>> through the code. but i just cannot follow it so i am still confused.
> >>> Again, for those who have similar situations, please use joins. i am
> >>> keeping this thread alive, because i REALLY want to learn how to use
> >>> Containable powerfully.
> >>> Jon, thanks for your reply.
> >>> Would appreciate it if you can follow up with more explanations.
> >>> I am VERY VERY eager to learn more.
> >>> On May 2, 7:45 pm, Jon Bennett <jmbenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> i...
> read more »

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