Anyone can help me ????

sherzo wrote:
> Hi all!!!
> I have the following code in my View:
> <?php //echo
> $form->create('UsersCoupon',array('id'=>'update','url'=>array('action'=>'changeStatustoUsed')));?>
>                                               <div class="kuponTop">
>                               <div class="kuponBottom">
>                               <div class="kuponCenter">
>                                 <ul>
>                                       <li class="kuponFirst"><p
> class="ilk">KUPONLARIM</p><p>ADET</p><p>DEGER</p><p class="son">BITIS
> TARIHI</p></li>
>                                     <?php $usersCoupons =
> $this->requestAction('users_coupons/listNotUsedCoupons'); ?>
>                                                                       <?php 
> foreach($usersCoupons as $usersCoupon): 
> ?>
>                                     <li> <?php //echo
> $form->checkbox(''.$usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['id'], array('value'
> => $usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['id'])); ?>
> <?php //echo $form->input($usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['id'],array(
> 'type'=>'checkbox',   'label'=>false,
> 'name'=>'cop['.$usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['id'].']',                         
> 'id'=>'cop_'.$usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['id']                        )); ?>  
>                                                                       <p 
> class="ilk"><?php   echo $usersCoupon['Coupon']['title']?></p>
>                                     <p><?php   
>                                                                       $m = 
> $usersCoupon['UsersCoupon']['transaction_code'];
> $count =
> $this->requestAction('users_coupons/countUserCouponPurchasePerTime/'.$m);
> echo $count;?></p><p><?php echo
> $count*$usersCoupon['Coupon']['sale_price'];?>TL</p><p class="son"><?php  
> echo $usersCoupon['Coupon']['expiration_date'];?></p></li>
> <?php endforeach; 
> ?>
>                                 </ul>
>                                 </div>
>                             </div>
>                         </div>
>                                               <?php //echo 
> $form->submit('kullandiklarimi-arsive-at-button.gif',
> array('class'=>'submit'));?> 
>                       <div class="pageNum">
> <!-- Shows the page numbers -->
> <?php 
> echo $paginator->prev('«  ', null, null, array('class' => 'disabled'));
> echo $paginator->numbers(); ?>
> <!-- Shows the next and previous links -->
> <?php
>       echo $paginator->next('  »', null, null, array('class' => 'disabled'));
> ?> 
>  <br class="cb" />
>                             <p style="font-family:Verdana;
> font-size:11px;color:#c40000; padding-top:15px;">Lütfen önce kullandığınız
> kuponları işaretleyin.</p>
> </div>
> and as soon as I uncomment the form tag I will receive the following error
> message!!! 
> Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Xml as array in cakephp form
> any idea?!?!

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