Matthew Powell wrote:
Jamie said it once, but I feel it's worth repeating.

Modifying the code to output in a format YOU want for your new
application could pretty much screw up every cakephp application out


I am fully aware of that. And that is certainly not a decision to be taken lightly. And if such a change should ever be introduced, some migration strategy would be required.

BTW: I would have to change quite a few files myself.

On the other hand, the current data structure is inconsistent. In the long run, it might be worth changing it.



On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 10:33, Roland Bock <> wrote:

thanks for the reassurance :-)

Submitting a ticket certainly is a good idea!



Jamie wrote:

Hi Roland,

What you're suggesting is a pretty major change to data returned by
Cake - major in that there would be a lot of user-end code that needs
changing if this were to happen to the core. Though I think it's
awesome that you'd be willing to write a patch and submit it, maybe
you should first submit a ticket to Lighthouse (
) for some feedback from the core development team. To be honest, I
found the structure of returned data a bit odd when I was starting out
with Cake as well, so you're not the only one.

- Jamie

On May 7, 5:46 am, Roland Bock <> wrote:

Yes, and validation, too, I guess...

I hope to find the time :-)

Thanks for your help!



You could probably write a Behaviour, but that will take additional
processing, which slows down the application.

On May 7, 2:48 pm, Roland Bock <> wrote:

John Andersen wrote:

I agree that the structure could be better, but as it is, is the way
we have to work with it, and I consider it sufficient for my usage.

OK, two questions:

a) Do you think I could tweak current Models with a Behavior in order to
get the structure I prefer?

b) Do you think it would make sense to send a patch that would change
the data structure (maybe for cake-1.4)?

Thanks and regards,


On May 7, 12:30 pm, Roland Bock <> wrote:

John Andersen wrote:

I do think that if you don't like something in CakePHP, please write
your own solution to it, then offer it to the CakePHP developers.

Sure. I'd like to understand first, though :-)
In CakePHP, Parent -> Node -> Child leads to different ways to handle a
single Node:
$node['id'];    // in case Node has been retrieved by Parent
$currentRecord['Node']['id']; // Node has been retrieved by Node
This seems to add complexity.
Now, here is what I would aim for (including the Ghost you added)
    [Parent] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 1
                    [Node] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 17
                                    [Child] => Array
                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 19
                                    [Child] => Array
                    [Ghost] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [id] => 2
                            [1] => Array
                                    [id] => 3
This way I can say
$resultSet             <- This is an array of Parents
$currentRecord = $resultSet['Parent']['0']
$currentRecord         <- This is a Parent
In the original CakePHP structure,
$resultSet  <- This is an array of arrays(Parent,Nodes, Ghosts)
$currentRecord = $resultSet['0']
$currentRecord        <- This is a Parent/Nodes/Ghosts array
So basically, my way, you need to write *less* to access members of
'Parent'. The rest is pretty similar. But, (huge benefit, I think), you
can handle a Node always in the same way, regardless of whether you get
it included in a Parent or use the Node Model directly:
My way:
$node['id'];  // no matter what
Remeber the CakePHP way:
$node['id'];    // in case Node has been retrieved by Parent
$currentRecord['Node']['id']; // Node has been retrieved by Node

Does the above helps you to clarify why the original structure is

Not yet, I am afraid. Maybe I was able to intrigue you with my proposal? :-)

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