I have Clusters hasMany Companies.

In Clusters controller I have this:

In my Clusters Edit View I have this:

        echo $form->input('id');
        echo $form->input('name');
        echo $form->input('Company',array('multiple'=>'checkbox'));


1) in my edit view above, I see multiple checkboxes (Label name(which
is Company.company_name) and checkbox next to it - this is all done
automatically by cakephp). If Company was set for this specific
Cluster (if in DB Company.cluster_id is set to this Cluster.id), I see
it's checkbox checked.

2) If create an intermediate table and set Clusters
hasAndBelongsToMany Companies, above code works like a charm

Above code doesn't save checkboxes. When I check/uncheck Companies, it
says data saved, but actually it is not being saved (the checkboxes
part); if I change name for Cluster - it gets saved.

PS: http://book.cakephp.org/view/1031/Saving-Your-Data --> under
saveAll() it mentions something like "echo $form->input('Account.
0.username');", but how to make it work for multiple checkboxes like I
have, and so that selected checkboxes are also shown.

When form is submitted, array with checked IDs is submitted to
controller, so I could drop all prev values and update companies using
this new array, but that's a bit ugly and isn't cakish.. How to
achieve it using cakephp?

Any help is appreciated.
- Muhammed

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