An approach

in the controller:

function show_image($recordId) {
    $this->set('data', $this->Model->findById($recordId));
    $this->layout = 'ajax'

the view show_image.ctp:

Configure::write('debug', 0);
header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); //assume jpg image
echo $data['Model']['blob_file'];

your view:

echo $html->tag('img', array(
'src' => Router::url(array('controller' => 'your_controller', 'action' => 'show_image', $userInfo['Photo'][0]['id']))



On 05/13/2010 12:26 AM, Ed Propsner wrote:
Besides the size there should be no diff between "binary" and "blob", I was just thinking that perhaps Cake handled them differently. I played around with media view and it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.

I have it narrowed down to the headers and I can get the photo to display but it has to be in it's own view and even then I have to echo the image directly in the controller action ... this isn't working for me. I never usually store photos directly to the database but in this instance i feel it better serves my purpose without taking a hit on performance.

Ideally I would like to access the image through it's $hasMany assoc and nest it in an image tag but I'm at a loss for how to pull that off with Cake.

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Ed Propsner < <>> wrote:

    I've been toying with this one for a while now and I'm not really
    getting anywhere.

    I'm trying to display a photo stored in db as type "blob". With
    conventional PHP I would normally store the photo with type
    "binary" and never had any issues ... Blob is not going so well.
    I figure the problem has something to do with content type but MVC
    is confusing me a bit when it comes to headers or media views. It
    seems straightforward enough but I think I'm going about the wrong
    way (I'm not using media view or headers at this point).

    In my Users Model I set up a $hasMany assoc.

     var $hasMany = array(
            'Photo' => array(
                'className'     => 'Photo',
                'foreignKey'    => 'user_id',
                'conditions'    => array('Photo.profile' => 1,
    'Photo.private' => 0),
                'limit'        => '1',
                'dependent'=> true

    Rendering the photo is the problem.

    > View

    $html->tag('img', array(
                                      'src' =>

    the "file" part of the array is empty:

      [Photo] =>  Array
                 [0] =>  Array
                         [file] =>
                         [user_id] =>  1


    I tried a lot of different things but nothing worked the way I
    want. What is the proper way to go about this?

    - Ed

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